Kamis, 31 Maret 2011

Germinating Petunia Seds

How to make coffee
You will need:
• Warm water
• Sugar
• Cup
• Spoon
• Coffee
Steps :
1. Include sugar and coffee into cup.
2. Later inclunde warm water into cup.
3. Then swirl till flatten.

Rabu, 09 Maret 2011


Learing essential
Language Function
 Asking and giving opinion
1. What do you think of thecar?
I think it’s a good car.
 Expressing likes and dilikes
1. I like my new sofa
2. I can’t stand hamburger
Genre of text:Describtive text
 Sosilal fuction:
1. To describe a particular person,please or thing
 Generic structur
1. Identification:identifies phenomenon to be described
2. Description:describes parts,qualities,and characteries.
1. The cat is under the chair
2. The boys is in front of the car
3. The girl is standing next to me